With QualiControl you can analyze a wide spectrum of matrices: from unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruit, milk, greens and raw materials through semi-finished products (powders, flavourings, premixes) up to processed products such as meat, cheeses, pasta, etc.



Qualicontrol Detector

A battery-powered near-infrared spectrometer that connects...

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Qualicontrol App

QualiControl app is the application for iOS and Android that allows the interface...

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Qualicontrol WebApp

Qualicontrol WebApp

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Other Uses

Highlight any non-conformities of raw materials or semi-finished products due to adulteration in terms of: origin; quality or quantity with respect to specific declared characteristics.

Safeguarding the uniformity of the standard is the first step towards complete control of your production and it all starts with your suppliers.

Guarantee the consistency of your process by monitoring the characteristics of incoming raw materials.

Quality assurance regarding the right combination and quantity of your ingredients. Being able to evaluate any variations in the composition of your formulations allows you to solve problems without the need to resort to external analyses, saving time and money.

By analyzing all the phases of your process, in addition to having control over everything you do, you will be able to predict how your products evolve over time.

Find out what the chemical-physical composition of your raw materials, semi-finished or finished products is in terms of fat content, proteins, humidity, carbohydrates etc.